Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cream of the crop

So I decided to make my first blog about a very simple main ingredient for a lot of recipes. Heavy whipping cream. I'm in love with everything fluffy, and well my whipping creams are certainly last of my exceptions. I'm simply protesting all the fake canned/tub whipped creams to put it bluntly. It racks my brain how a lot of us will take the time to cut beautiful summer strawberries, bake an amazing moist angel food cake, and then drown it with some oil pumped bi product because the sound of a successful homemade whipped cream sends chills down any mother's spine. It is so worth the trial and error. Once you get the perfect peek, and actually taste it, you will never take pleasure of over decorating with a menacing can haha. The How The most important thing is to have a clean (preferably metal) mixing bowl. Set in freezer to chill for about 1hr. Before you make and or serve your dessert. The secret is being quick. The less time your warm hands have around the bowl the better. Pour 1 portion of heavy whipping cream into the bowl. It's a good idea to have your mixer out and ready to go. Place mixer on medium and slowly ease into the cream. Once the beaters are safely submerged, you are now free to turn it UP :) Mix fast moving the bowl in one circular direction until you start to see it thicken and peek. Option: to sprinkle a little sugar in it to give it a little kiss *this will take only a few minutes, since we aren't making butter :) The Test Are you bold enough to flip it over your head?! That's right, once you think you've mastered your fluffy peeks of goodness, take the bowl and quickly turn it over! It shouldn't move, IF you did it correctly. If not you just started a great hair mask LOL. Point of Post (future ending to all posts) You get what you pay for. In this sweet instance you will prolly come out a few bucks richer, better quality,THE TASTE, and the cool fact that it's homemade. "less is more" Francesca

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